Imported Mn Ore Spot Market in China Continued to Fall (Dec 08th- Dec 12th )

[]Australian Mn46 lumps are currently focused on RMB33-34/mtu andRMB33-33.5/mtu for Mn48 sand ore. South African Mn38 lumps are pricing at RMB28.5-29.5/mtu while RMB32-33/mtu for Mn32%Fe20%.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Eramet Comilog Released January Mn Ore Shipment to China for 2015

[]It is reported that Eramet Comilog already knocked down January manganese ore shipment to China for 2015. Mn43% Fe<5% was edged down to USD3.9/mtu from USD4.15/mtu for December 2014,

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

BHP Released January Mn Ore Shipment to China for 2015

[]it is reported that oversea ore giant, BHP Group already released manganese ore January for 2015 shipment to China. Mn45.5% Fe<5% lump ore was still pegged at USD4.53/mtu and USD4.40

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

UMK Unveiled January Mn Ore Shipment to China for 2015

[] It is reported that South Africa miner UMK unveiled new round manganese ore shipment

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Imported Mn Ore in China Would Be Hard to Get out of Downturn before End of the Year (Dec 1st –Dec 5th)

Suffered by downturn of bidding on alloys for steel mills, imported manganese ore spot market in China maintained poor performance. As manganese alloys further touched the bottom,

Monday, December 8, 2014

Imported Mn Ore Spot Market Remained Flat in China (Nov 24th –Nov 28th )

[] In recent period, imported manganese ore spot market in Chain remained at worse situation with flat demand. Given slowing consumption, it is said that manganes ore inventory at ports still kept at high level in China.

Monday, December 1, 2014

China Imported Mn Ore for October Showed A Slightly Downturn M-o-M

[]It is reported that China totally imported 1.34 million tons of manganese ore in October according to data provided by Customs Statistics, showing a slight declining from 1.55 million tons in September. In the first ten months, China imported...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Analysis on Mn Ore Future Price for BHP to China in 2014

[]It is reported that manganese ore future price of BHP to China between 2013 and 2014 showed totally different tendency according to dada from the chart above. In 2013, future price of BHP to China rose to USD5.95/mtu from USD5.2/mtu during Ju...

Monday, November 24, 2014
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